Marketing Focus – Setting Marketing Budgets

How much should you spend on marketing to be profitable? This is a difficult question, especially when business is down, but there are a number of established methods for setting your budgets which we will explain here to help you figure out the right amount to spend.
1. Matching competitors’ spend to gain market share
By monitoring competitors’ activity we can estimate how much they are spending and go head to head to gain market share. However, it is difficult to accurately estimate the figures and if you are competing against the market leader you will not be able to match their spend.
2. Percentage of sales
Allocating a set percentage of the profit to promotion and then dividing this budget between the different marketing functions is a straight forward method to put a figure against the marketing function, without damaging profitability. However, effective marketing has the power to increase the profitability of a company and when business is declining, that is the time to invest heavily in marketing, but this method encourages cuts at this crucial time.
3. Objective and task method
This involves determining the marketing communications objectives, the tasks necessary to achieve these objectives, and calculating the cost of each element to enable us to fulfill our objectives most effectively. This allocates the appropriate budget to the task required, but don’t get carried away - set realistic objectives for an affordable budget.
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If you would like Shaw Marketing Services to help you with your marketing budgets call now on 952 903 154 to arrange a meeting. |