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Excellent opportunity to reach Sotogrande residents

Excellent opportunity to reach Sotogrande residents

SIS Yearbook guideAs you know, we’re always looking for cost-effective ways to reach target clients, so I wanted to share the opportunity to be included in Sotogrande International School’s Yearbook.

This is a publication which reaches all the students and parents of the school, as well as potential parents who visit the school for more information, related groups and also is taken to fairs and events over the year. It is a book which is created by the students with the guidance of the teachers, which makes it even more valued by the students and parents. More than just a magazine, this is an important part of the school journey for the students and therefore is kept for many years by their parents and then by the children themselves.

There are very high profile advertisers already involved such as Bankinter, Sanitas, Axa, Cáser Seguros, Jyske Bank as advertisers, therefore your business would be positioned with other highly respected brands. This year there will be a guide at the back of the book, where all advertisers will be grouped by sector and easy to find with a user-friendly contents table. Below are the prices and sizes for the advertising, I think very good value for a publication which remains current for a whole year and is kept as a reference for the whole school life of a child.

1/3 page – 150€ + iva

1/2 page – 225€ + iva

Full page – 400€ + iva

For more information or to reserve the space email marketing@sis.gl

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