Arboretum Opens Registration Period for New Urban Allotments
Arboretum Foundation has launched a new project for Marbella, 70 more organic urban allotments which will encourage sustainable development and bring together the community. Residents and groups can apply to have an allotment to grow their own fruit and vegetables learning about organic cultivation methods and applying them. Applicants must be schools or groups located in Marbella, or residents which have been registered on the Marbella council register for at least one year who want to become more sustainable. The application period closes on the 15th of May.
Alejandro César Orioli, Director of the Arboretum Foundation commented; “Urban Allotments are another way that Arboretum is bringing sustainability closer to the community and creating new, more fulfilling spaces in Marbella. The only way to make real change is by taking intelligent and innovative action. This is why we started this project two years ago and we haven’t stopped receiving praise from the community and interest in the project, so we are now working to create 70 more urban allotments to bring the total to 100. We want these allotments to bring together the different generations, social groups and cultures in Marbella. This has the potential to be an amazing meeting point where the community can come together and develop an even greater cultural diversity.”
These new allotments are located in Arboretum Marbella in Finca El Trapiche, close to the Marbella bus station, where the first 30 urban allotments were created two years ago. People can apply to have an allotment from until the 15th of May by emailing huertos@arboretummarbella.org or by visiting the website www.arboretummarbella.org and the lucky ones who are allocated an allotment will be able to start cultivating from July onwards.
The allotments were designed using the principles of permaculture, a system which promotes sustainable development, and the team from Arboretum is running their annual Permaculture Design Course in October, to help more people learn this important discipline. Find out more and register for a place here. www.arboretumpdc.org
The Arboretum Foundation is an apolitical community organization which is funded and staffed by volunteers with no government funding. All the activities undertaken by Arboretum are conceived, designed and implemented by people who are donating their time freely to benefit others. Find out more and support Aboretum by visiting the website www.arboretummarbella.org.