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Online Marketing Marbella

Marketing Focus – Getting to Grips with Social Media

There are a plethora of social media tools which are increasing all the time. The essence of using social media well, is providing free and interesting information which readers want to engage with, drawing readers into your online world and allowing them to make a connection with your company.

The fastest growth demographic among social media users is the mid thirties age group – a prime target audience for businesses. Here are the main Social Media tools which should be used to gain maximum online exposure –

Spanish Sun free classified listing offer

The Spanish Sun Newspaper is offering all businesses a free entry in their classified section on their website between now and Sunday night at midnight. Classified listings are a great way to improve your online visibility and link to your website so make sure you take...

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Five ingredients of smart online commerce

I subscribe to receive posts from Seth Godin's blog who is a leading expert on sales and marketing and an author of 12 best selling books. I'd really recommend them if you are looking for some smart and interesting ideas. One that he sent me which I...

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Marketing Focus – Twitter

Back in 2009, a client asked me to research and write an article about how businesses can effectively use Twitter to promote themselves and I must say I was very skeptical. All I’d seen of Twitter up to then was people telling you every detail of their boring lives from being tired, to going to the shops, so frankly I didn’t think the article would be easy to write.

As part of my research I set myself up with a Twitter account and started to have a look around for business related information. To my surprise there was loads of excellent “Tweets” from businesses which linked to an informative article, made people aware of an event or promoted a special offer. I realized that actually Twitter holds great business potential and works in tandem with the other key social media tool, the blog, to expand your content and drive people to your website.

Marketing Focus – Costa Del Sol Blogging

What is a Blog?

The word blog is an abbreviation of web log, originally created as an extension to the online diary or journal. They allowed individuals “talk” to the world about their life or pet subjects, from their upcoming wedding, cooking or their favourite football team.

Marbella Tweet-up: From online to face to face networking

I think Twitter is a great way to share news, promote events and keep up to date with your specialist area for business development. However, one major drawback of networking online through Facebook, Twitter, Linked-In and others, is that your community can be spread around the globe and let’s face it without meeting someone in person it is difficult to build trust in them to the point that you’d engage in business with them! To overcome this, the Twitter community organises what they call Tweet-ups so that those on Twitter in the same area can get together and cement their online relationships.

Follow Shaw Marketing Services on Twitter and Facebook

Online marketing is a hugely important method in the modern marketplace. There are a myriad of options to promote yourself online from online news sites, articles and press release distribution engines and of course SEO and company websites. The two elements which are becoming increasingly important are Twitter and Facebook.