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Marbella Networking

he Costa Women annual conference is back!

The Costa Women annual conference is back!

Georgina was due to speak in the Costa Women 2020 conference, when it got cancelled by the Town Hall at the 11th hour. Since then, Costa Women have had two years of virtual conferences and smaller business events such as their wonderful networking events and...

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Potencia tu Salud Cuerpo y Mente con Mónica Concellón

Potencia tu Salud Cuerpo y Mente con Mónica Concellón

El centro de coworking Our Space España, en Marbella, acogerá el próximo martes 30 de mayo una interesante ponencia titulada “Potencia tu Salud Cuerpo y Mente” a cargo de la coach experta en Salud Integral y Antiaging, Mónica Concellón Durán. La coach de Salud explicará a...

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