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Effortless Public Speaking Success

Effortless Public Speaking Success

Public Speaking InfographicIn preparation for my Public Speaking Masterclass in Marbella on 5th May I have been consulting some great public speakers for their tips for performing well and also thinking about the speakers I have seen that have really impressed me.

I was delighted with the response from the Public Speaking Network on Linked In where I got over 30 comments on my post Just one thing to be an excellent public speaker with loads of great ideas and different things to consider – please check it out.

One point that really stood out for me was the importance of integrity, being yourself, being authentic and knowing your material inside and out. It can be easy to get tied up in knots with the razzle dazzle of a presentation and spend hours preparing the most beautiful slides and being a showman, but if you don’t know your stuff and are trying to pretend to be someone you’re not then the audience will not engage with you.

Some of the best speakers I have seen haven’t event used slides, they have just been themselves on the stage, delivering great material in an engaging way, responding to the audience and being free from arrogance. If you are an expert in your field and you can explain what you know in a digestible way, bringing in passion and if possible humor and relating to how your audience may feel about it all you will be on to a winner. Your authentic voice will shine through and you will feel more confident as you’re expressing yourself in the right way for you.

Here’s an Infographic with some tips for being a great public speaker for you to enjoy. Please also come along to our public speaking masterclass on 5th May if you’re in Marbella, there are still some slots available and it will be a great opportunity to increase your confidence, find your voice and practice applying some key techniques for making the next presentation a real success.

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