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Specsavers Spain Tag

Don’t forget your sunglasses

sunglasses from Specsaver SpainHOT sunshine, sandy beaches and a sparkling sea are all recipes for a great summer, but can cause problems for your eyes. The experts from Specsavers Opticas have released the following advice for keeping your eyes in top condition this summer.

1. Protect your eyes from the sun

Leighton Griffiths, Store Director of Specsavers Marbella, says: ‘Excessive exposure to UV rays causes a painful irritation to the cornea at the front of the eye. In extreme circumstances this can lead to cancer of the cornea, age related macular degeneration, cataracts and even blindness.’

Everyone should wear sunglasses to protect their eyes from the sun. Check sunglasses comply with UNE-EN 1836:2006 + A1:2008 or bear the CE kite mark and are marked UV 400. If you already have sunglasses and aren’t sure if they offer the right protection, take them into your local Specsavers to be UV tested. Look for styles which are large, or wraparound to minimise light entering the eyes from the side.

Selecting the best food for healthy eyes

iStock_000014324709_MediumThe pressure of having a body fit for the beach always makes healthy eating more of a priority during summer months, but have you ever taken your eyes into consideration when choosing what foods to eat? Probably not, but a study has revealed that certain foods can help with Macular degeneration, so Specsavers are advising you to add these foods into your diet.

Leighton Griffiths at Specsavers Opticas Marbella explains: ‘The macula is the part of the retina that enables our most acute and detailed vision for tasks such as reading, driving, recognising faces and watching television, so it is important to protect it. It has been proven that eating a diet rich in antioxidants, especially carotenoids, is particularly beneficial.’

A study by America’s National Institute of Health, found that people eating the highest amounts of carotenoids have a 43% lower risk of developing macular degeneration than those who have very low amounts in their diet. Studies have also shown that people with higher than average intakes of antioxidants – beta-carotene, lutein and vitamins C and E – appear to have a reduced risk of developing cataracts. Foods such as pepper, broccoli, sweet potatoes, citrus fruits and dark green leafy vegetables, like spinach and kale, are rich in these antioxidants.

IVA Increase on Optical Products

Following the IVA increase announcement, Specsavers Opticas are concerned that the implications for the optical market are being misunderstood. Business development Manager Jose Angel Moral Tajadura has released the following statement, to clarify the situation.  "IVA on prescription products (glasses & contact lenses) will increase on the...

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Wearing unsuitable sunglasses can cause more damage than wearing none at all

This summer, Specsavers Opticas in Spain have conducted a survey about protecting the eyes from the sun, and with some interesting results.

Almost 100% of people asked know the importance of protecting their eyes from the sun, but not all of these people wear suitable sunglasses to protect their eyes from damage. According to the survey conducted in the Costas and Mallorca, at least 40% of people aged 18-34 wear sunglasses for fashion purposes as well as protection. However, not all sunglasses provide sufficient protection from damaging UV rays.

To ensure adequate sun protection, choose sunglasses that meet industry standards and carry the ‘CE’ mark which indicates these shades have met the necessary requirements for the European market.

The National College of Opticians and Optometrists in Spain (CNOO) have been campaigning for years on the importance of protecting your eyes from the damaging effects of the sun. They report on their website that close to 80% of the 12 million sun glasses sold in Spain during 2005 haven’t passed any quality control. They say “It is fundamental to use lenses with special filters that fit the following criteria: stop dangerous solar radiation reaching your eyes, like infrared and ultraviolet, and reduce the intensity of the visible radiation to remove glare and have a clear and comfortable vision. Only sun glasses bought in optical stores with advice and prescription of an optician or optometrist can guarantee the quality of the filters and the eye health of the user.”