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World Glaucoma Week 10-16 March

Today World Glaucoma Week starts, a campaign of awareness about this very common condition which is known as “the slient destroyer of sight”. With an estimated 60 million suspected cases of glaucoma worldwide, it’s Specsavers Opticas’ aim to raise awareness of this condition, as often people do not understand the severity of the disease, or who can be affected. To help you spot the signs of glaucoma, here is some information from Specsavers Opticas about one of the world’s leading causes of blindness, please share this with friends and family this week.

What is glaucoma and who is at risk? – Glaucoma is a build-up of fluid on the eye which increases pressure and in turn damages the optical nerve. If left untreated it can lead to permanent tunnel vision and blindness. Often there are no symptoms at all in the first stages, and vision loss usually occurs gradually with symptoms only becoming noticeable when severe damage has been done to the optic nerve. Unfortunately there is no cure for this vision loss, so it’s extremely important to have regular eye tests to diagnose the disease as early as possible.

Those over the age of sixty are more at risk of glaucoma, however babies and young adults can also suffer from the disease. People of African origin are more at risk of glaucoma at a younger age. Other high risk groups include anyone with family history of glaucoma, people who are severely short sighted and diabetics.

How is glaucoma diagnosed? – Although it can be difficult for the patient to identify the signs of glaucoma, an in-depth eye test is all that is required to catch the condition early. There are three ways that opticians look for signs of glaucoma;, through an Ophthalmoscopy (a visual examination of the optic nerve head), Tonometry (a measurement of the pressure within the eye) and Perimetry (a check of the field of vision). Not all eye tests include these elements, so ask your optician.

Set your Sights on the New School Term

As the new term approaches it is important to think about your child’s vision as well as all the text books and uniforms. Studies show that one in four children has an undetected visual problem which can affect their learning ability. Experts believe that many learning disabilities could be vision related, so it’s crucial that a child’s eyesight is regularly checked and they are given the right glasses if they need them.

Specsavers Opticas wants to encourage kids to wear their glasses with pride and so they are launching a Cool Kids competition, in association with Euroweekly News, especially for kids who look amazing in their specs. Parents can enter their cool kids into the competition from 17th September. This will be a great way to show the world just how good they look in their glasses and the winner will receive a pair of designer kids’ glasses as well as a 50€ voucher from a shop of their choice. 

IVA Increase on Optical Products

Following the IVA increase announcement, Specsavers Opticas are concerned that the implications for the optical market are being misunderstood. Business development Manager Jose Angel Moral Tajadura has released the following statement, to clarify the situation.  "IVA on prescription products (glasses & contact lenses) will increase on the...

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Clarificación sobre el aumento de IVA para el mercado óptico

Specsavers Opticas en España están preocupados de que las consecuencias del aumento de IVA en el mercado óptico se tergiversan y quieren dejar las cosas claras. José Ángel Moral Tajadura, Director de Desarrollo Empresarial para Specsavers Opticas en España ha emitido la siguiente declaración. "El IVA correspondiente...

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Look out for a Specsavers’ Morph near you

Specsavers Opticas' are having fun raising awareness of their brand by sending out morphs to events and in the local areas around the store. These little green men are likely to have some excellent offers with them and make a great photo opportunity so make sure...

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Specsavers en la Costa Blanca proporcionarán apoyo a organizaciones benéficas locales

Specsavers Opticas quiere seguir impulsando las asociaciones benéficas locales y ha anunciado recientemente que sus cuatro ópticas en la Costa Blanca se han asociado con diferentes organizaciones benéficas. Durante los próximos doce meses, desde Specsavers se recaudarán fondos para éstas, se apoyarán sus campañas solidarias y les ayudarán a crear conciencia entre la población.

  • Las ópticas de Specsavers en Jávea y Calpe están apoyando a Cáritas – Cáritas es una organización benéfica que trabaja a favor de las personas y las familias necesitadas que, por alguna razón, se encuentran en situación de desamparo, y ni siquiera cuentan con necesidades básicas, tales como alimentos, ropa y vivienda.
  • Specsavers Opticas en Benidorm presta su apoyo a la asociación Amigos de los Niños de Emaús – Los Amigos de los Niños de Emaús es un grupo de voluntarios, con sede en la Costa Blanca Norte, cuyo propósito es recaudar los fondos necesarios para niños de las casas de acogida con las que cuenta la Asociación.
  • La óptica de Specsavers en Torrevieja está apoyando el Club de Leones de Torrevieja Costa – El Club de Leones de Torrevieja Costa es el más conocido por su lucha contra la ceguera. Ayuda a los residentes locales españoles que lo necesiten, pero también envía suministros muy necesarios como gafas a los países del tercer mundo.

Huerto Restaurant Puerto Banus Update

As many of you will know, we were contracted to provide PR and Marketing support and organise the launch event for a new high-class restaurant in Puerto Banus called Huerto. We were working with the restaurant from April 2011 and produced an in-depth marketing plan, a logo and colour scheme, wrote their website, wrote a press release, created online publicity with a competition, organised a number of pre-launch events and their grand opening party on 1st July.

As a result of our hard work, a huge amount of publicity was generated online and offline and the chef had many interviews on radio and TV plus coverage in some of the best local publications. We also had a large number of people attend the restaurant during the soft launch period and for the opening event.

Unfortunately, as many of you will already know, Huerto did not open for business following our launch event on the 1st July and is now permanently closed.